Peggy Hair 653 ~ Pooklet'd for all ages

Peggy Hair 653 ~ Pooklet'd for all ages
Hi! This hair is... cute. You may not like it at first sight, so I recommend that if you have doubts you should download it and test it in your sims. I'm saying this because I didn't like it at first but now I feel I can use it for formal outfits (that explains my models on wedding dresses :P)

~ This retexture works for all ages, Adult is #652 and Child/Toddler #653.
~ This hair comes in two versions: EA's highlights and Adjust-Shine Highlights. You can only have one version!
Enjoy! ^-^

(Click the pictures to enlarge)

I Don't Take Any Credit of The Mesh Conversion or The Mesh Itself.
Please, don't redistribute. Give credit to Peggy and to me.
Original hair by Peggy
EA's Highlights
Child and Toddler
Adjust-Shine Highlights
Child and Toddler

Model credits: 
~ Eyes by LemonLeaf / Imminent Fate / -Shady-
~ Lipsticks and blush by LemonLeaf
~ Eyeshadows by LadyFrontbum
~ Eyebrows by daluved1 / Jessica_2020
~ Clothes by The Store
hair peggy retexture

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