Amélie Buisson

Amélie Buisson
Hi! This is my newest model, and she already has a fan! And that's why she's here now, for you! :D

Have fun! ^-^

Amélie Buisson

Amélie Buisson is a 25 years old girl from Champ Les Sims, but her actual residence is Bridgeport. She has the ability of changing her emotions on a whim, so sometimes it's really hard to tell if she actually feels what she demonstrates! Some people call her a drama-queen, but Amélie likes to define herself as excentric. Nowadays she's been trying on several TV and commercials auditions, it wouldn't be surprising to see Amélie acting on a movie soon!

Traits List:

CC List:
- Hair by me
- Skin by 234jiao
- Eyes by -Shady-
- Eyeshadow by LadyFrontbum 
- Eyebrows by Jessica2020
- Eyeliner by LemonLeaf
- Lipstick by LemonLeaf
- Blush by LemonLeaf

- This sim has been packaged with EA default skin and hair.
- Built with game version 7.0.55 (BaseGame+WorldAdventures+Ambitions+Late Night+Outdoor Living)
- To install: Extract the .sim file into your "My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/SavedSims" folder. 
- This sim should be compatible with all the versions of the game, if not, please let me know.
- I am NOT going to upload a .sims3pack file, because the CC used would stick with the sim and cause issues.

Mediafire / zShare


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