LOVE STORY - Dress with 27 presets

LOVE STORY - Dress with 27 presets
Hello everyone! Time for another dress. This is my first heavily edited mesh for The Sims 4, and as we can remove/edit bump maps and speculars now, it's way easier for me to create anything. So for a nice start, I made this typical dress of mine, you know, the cutsie little outfit made of a shirt and a flared skirt. It's simple, versatile and comes with a freakload of presets for you to choose!

- Available for female teens, young adults, adults and elders.
- This dress is a new outfit, mesh is included.
- 27 presets with thumbnails included, conformed of different skirt/shirt combinations.
- Disabled for random (as far as I'm concerned)

- You may recolor this outfit as long as you credit me.
- You may use it for your stories/sims/models, no credit needed.
- You may NOT claim it as your own or re-upload it, just link back here.

- Extract the files into My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods
- To extract compressed files use WinRAR or 7zip (yes, they are safe to install)

- Skin by Chisami

ts4 clothing

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