Hello everyone, just wanted to let you know that my Tumblr account SunnyAnubis has been hacked and deleted. They got into my user and changed my email to this email M8R-3yd0pd@lavabit.com, and later removed my account.
I've already contacted Tumblr Support, and someone has already saved the url for me so it's not taken away again. I hope to resolve this pretty soon.
Haven't got any reply from Tumblr, but I'm already restoring my account myself. I've redone the theme, and will put all the downloads back eventually.
I've already contacted Tumblr Support, and someone has already saved the url for me so it's not taken away again. I hope to resolve this pretty soon.
Haven't got any reply from Tumblr, but I'm already restoring my account myself. I've redone the theme, and will put all the downloads back eventually.
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