Night Charm ~ Dress with Organza Layer for Teen-to-Adult

Night Charm ~ Dress with Organza Layer for Teen-to-Adult
Hello there! I've been trying to make a dress with a semi-transparent layer, and it's not particulary easy to do something like that in TS3. Besides the process of making it (wich is fairly easy) the final product doesn't look as good as you can imagine, the layer partially takes the color of the sim's skin, so it doesn't look exactly like the color you choose. But it's a matter of trying until you get the color you want! And it's worth it because it looks wonderful :D

~ Dress is under everyday, formal, and career categories, for female teens, young adults and adults only.
~ Four recolorable channels (top, skirt, layer and belt)
~ Both package and sims3pack formats available.
~ Mesh is included.
~ Base Game compatible.

If you want to use this in your uploads, just link back here.
Please, don't redistribute. Don't re upload in other sites.

Feel free to use this mesh/textures for your own creations, but please give me credit and link back here!

For Young Adults/Adults

For Teens

Model credits: 
~ Hairs by NewSea / The Store / CoolSims
~ Skintones by 234jiao / therewasnothingleft / ephemera
~ Eyes by -Shady- / escand / lemonleaf
~ Lipstick, blushes and eyeliner by LemonLeaf
~ Eyeshadow by LadyFrontbum
~ Eyebrows by Jessica_2020 / The Sims 3
~ Shoes by Me / The Store / The Sims 3 Late Night
~ Earrings by Lorandia
~ Poses by Elexis / CCathie / Skylar

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